SelectLeaders Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 5, 2020

SelectLeaders, LLC, a Bisnow, LLC company (“SelectLeaders”, "Bisnow" or “We”) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data collected on our website. This statement summarizes SelectLeaders’s policy regarding the collection, use, and transfer of your personal data, and the security measures SelectLeaders employs to protect such data. This Privacy Policy applies to information that SelectLeaders collects when you are on our website and using any of the services available on the website, as well as information collected in emails, texts, or other electronic communications with you. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any other information, to the practices of companies that SelectLeaders does not own or control, to any websites that may be linked to on our website, or to people who SelectLeaders does not employ or manage, including our clients. SelectLeaders is a recruitment service and collects a variety of personal data necessary to provide these services. By choosing to enter your personal information on this website, you indicate your willingness to disclose this information to SelectLeaders. You also authorize SelectLeaders to disclose this information to its clients for their use in considering you for a position with a client of SelectLeaders. If you do not wish to disclose the information described in this Privacy Policy, SelectLeaders will be unable to provide you the services offered by this website because employment, educational, and other personal information is necessary in order to assess your employment opportunities. By using this website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. SelectLeaders, along with its affiliates, and subsidiaries, is the sole owner of information collected on this website. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from those set out in this Privacy Policy. 

Submission of Resumes Posting your resume on SelectLeaders gives you high visibility of potential employers and recruiters that post open positions each day on the website and allows you to easily apply for such positions. It is SelectLeaders’s intention that only potential employers and recruiters have access to the resume database. However, SelectLeaders cannot guarantee that other parties will not, without our consent, gain access to this database. Candidates can choose to keep their resume private and it will not be visible to clients who use our Resume Search. Please be aware making your resume private can reduce your employment opportunities. You may remove your resume from SelectLeaders’s searchable database at any time, but employers and recruiters who have paid for access to the database, and other parties who have otherwise gained access to the database, may have retained a copy of your resume in their own files or databases. SelectLeaders is not responsible for the retention, use, or privacy of your resume in these instances. 

Privacy Reminder You should never provide social security, credit card or bank account numbers to prospective employers. 

The Information We Collect   

The types of information we may obtain include:

  • Personal Information provided by you (such as via a resume uploaded to our website or a job application sent using our website).
  • Publicly available data about you from third party sites and sources, including profiles created by you on other websites or other information you have publicly shared for the purpose of advertising or informing others about your background.
  • Username and password for the account you may establish on our website.
  • Your demographic information (such as zip or postal code, occupation, education and experience, and, if you choose to provide it, age, gender and race or ethnicity). We collect this information either through the registration process, from your resume, or in the manner described below.
  • Job search behavior and preferences and a record of the searches that you make on our website.
  • Other details that you may submit to us or that may be included in the information provided to us by third parties.

The information we may collect by automated means includes:

  • Information about the devices our visitors use to access the Internet (such as the IP address and the device, browser and operating system type, and other operating system support information).
  • Pages and URLs that refer visitors to our website, along with pages and URLs that visitors exit to once they leave our website.
  • Dates and times of visits to our website.
  • Information on actions taken on our website (such as page views, website navigation patterns, and job view or application activity).
  • A general geographic location (such as country and city) from which a visitor accesses our website.
  • Search terms that visitors use to reach our website.

Collection of sensitive personal information:
To support the diversity recruitment objectives of its clients, SelectLeaders may request gender, race, or ethnicity data from its candidates. Individuals may voluntarily submit this information to SelectLeaders, but are not required to do so. The information provided, or the absence of such information, will not be used to eliminate any person from consideration for a job opportunity. It is not SelectLeaders’s policy to seek any other sensitive information through this website unless legally required for recruitment purposes. Sensitive information includes, for example, data relating to political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, or criminal record. We suggest that you do not provide sensitive information of this nature. If you do wish to provide sensitive information for any reason, you expressly consent to SelectLeaders use of that information in the ways described in this Privacy Policy or as described at the point where you are disclosing the information. 

Automatic Information Collection:   

Cookies Cookies are a standard Internet technology that installs a small text file on a visitor’s hard drive to allow the Internet site to recognize future visits from that computer, and helps us recognize you as an existing user, so it’s easier to return to SelectLeaders without requiring you to login again. Cookies allow SelectLeaders to learn more about the way in which people use this website, which will help us make better content and layout decisions. We do not normally perform any individual analysis of this data and are not generally interested in individual information. Cookies also allow SelectLeaders to keep track of the areas of the website you visit and offer you easy access to the information you find most relevant. We log usage data when you click on a job posting or apply or are redirected to apply to a job as part of our reporting to employers. We do not sell our data or our reports, it is solely used to confirm interest or applications to our employers’ jobs. Your web browser is most likely set to automatically accept cookies, but you can consult your browser help file if you wish to change these settings. If you set your browser to not accept cookies, this website will not use cookies to collect information about you, but this website may not function properly for you. 

Web Beacons Our Web pages contain electronic images (called a “single-pixel gif” or “Web beacon”) that allow us to count page views or to access cookies. In general, any electronic image viewed as part of a Web page, including an ad banner, can act as a Web beacon. Web beacons are typically very small, 1-by-1 pixel size, banner- like files, but their presence can be easily seen within Internet Explorer by clicking on “View” and then on “Source.” Web beacons are very small in order not to use valuable space on the computer screen that is better used to display helpful content. Our Web beacons do not collect, gather, monitor, or share any personal information about our website visitors, they are just the technique we use to compile our anonymous, aggregated statistics about website usage. The Web beacon system we use to collect this information is called Google Analytics ( provided by Google, Inc. 

Use and Disclosure of Information

How We Use and Disclose Personally-Identifying Information: In order to present you as a candidate for a job with one of our clients, SelectLeaders must provide your personal information to potential employers. If you do not wish to participate in this service and benefit from the career opportunities that SelectLeaders offers, please do not enter your personal information into this website. SelectLeaders is not responsible for the actions of any potential employers or for their use or misuse of any personally identifiable information that SelectLeaders provides to them. Information obtained by this website is used by SelectLeaders and its affiliated companies only for the intended purposes stated at the time that the information is collected. Except as described in this Privacy Policy, SelectLeaders will not sell, trade, lend, or otherwise voluntarily disclose your personally identifying information to unaffiliated third parties without your consent, unless otherwise stated at the time of collection. If at any time we decide to use personal data in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify you and give you a choice as to whether or not we use your information in such different manner. In certain circumstances, the law may require SelectLeaders to disclose your personally identifying information without your knowledge or specific consent. For example, such information may be disclosed if required to comply with a subpoena, warrant, or court order, or if requested by a government institution with the legal authority to obtain that information. SelectLeaders may disclose your information to companies or persons we engage to perform services for us, such as those sending newsletters and processing credit card payments. The third party will only be given access to the information needed to perform that service, and solely for use in providing that service. SelectLeaders may disclose your personally identifiable information if it believes, in good faith, that disclosure is necessary or advisable to protect its interests. In the event SelectLeaders is sold, merged, restructured, reorganized, dissolved, or it or its assets are otherwise transferred, the successor entity will have access to your personally identifiable information, subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy in effect at the time of the transaction. 

How We Use and Disclose Non-Personally Identifying Information Your personal information may also be used anonymously and in the aggregate in order to develop industry, marketing, and employment statistics, which we may disclose on an aggregated basis. For these purposes, your information will only be used in a manner designed to preclude identification of any individual whose information is included in the data. SelectLeaders may also monitor IP addresses for security purposes, trend analysis, website administration, user movement tracking, and broad demographic information for aggregate use. The IP address of the computer you use to access this website is not linked to any personal information you provide on the website. 

Information Security SelectLeaders strives to protect the security of your information and employs commercially reasonable measures to do so. Because of the nature of Internet technology, it is impossible to eliminate all security and privacy risks. Some of the risks include the limitations of security, privacy, and authentication measures, and the chance that data and information transferred via this website may be subject to eavesdropping, breaking passwords, spoofing, harassment, and other security or privacy hazards. SelectLeaders shall not be liable for damages of any kind associated with these risks. In the event that a security breach has occurred, SelectLeaders will notify those individuals whose private information has been compromised upon SelectLeaders becoming aware of the security breach. When you place an order online at SelectLeaders, your credit card information is protected through the use of encryption, which is designed to make it difficult for your credit card information to be intercepted or stolen while being transmitted. SelectLeaders uses a third party service company to process its credit card transactions. SelectLeaders is not responsible for the actions of such third party service company. 

User ID and Password SelectLeaders reserves the right to change User IDs and Passwords at any time to protect the security and integrity of the Site. 

Access to Information The website makes it easy to access the personal information you provide to SelectLeaders. You may access your own personal information at any time with your User ID and Password, and may correct any inaccurate information. If you need further assistance in accessing and modifying your personal information, or if you no longer desire our service, we will endeavor to provide a way to correct, update, or remove your personal data. If you have any questions about your personal information, or no longer wish to participate in this service and benefit from the career opportunities that SelectLeaders offers, please email SelectLeaders at 

Newsletter, Site/Service Updates, Surveys and Contests
SelectLeaders may offer newsletters to registered and unregistered users of the website via email. If you wish to unsubscribe from a newsletter, please follow the directions at the bottom of the newsletter and you will be taken off the recipient list. SelectLeaders will periodically send you website update information and service announcement updates via email. Because these announcements contain important information about SelectLeaders’s service, as long as you remain a registered user, you will not be able to unsubscribe from these announcements. From time to time we will request information from you via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is your choice, and disclosing any information as part of a survey or contest is completely voluntary. Information requested may include contact information and demographic information. Contact information will be used to notify and award winners. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring, improving, or enhancing the use and user satisfaction of our website. 

Third Party Websites and Social Media   

Links to Websites SelectLeaders contracts with a leading third-party targeted advertising company, which may place cookies on your browsers solely for targeted advertising purposes. Our website may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by this website. This Privacy Policy does not apply to, nor is SelectLeaders responsible for, any content, privacy practices, or conduct of third-party websites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our website and to read the privacy policies of each and every website they visit, including those that collect personally identifiable information. 

Social Media Features The Sites include social media features, such as the Facebook like button and widgets, that run on our website. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our website, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. 

Your California Privacy Rights California Civil Code Section § 1798.83 permits users of our website that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an email to or write us at SelectLeaders, LLC, 123 William Street, Suite 1505, New York, NY, 10038 or call (212) 661-3232. 

Changes to the Privacy Policy
SelectLeaders reserves the right to modify or amend the Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. If this Privacy Policy is amended for any reason, we will post those changes here. If we make material changes to how we treat our users’ personal information, we will notify you through a notice on the website home page. If you do not wish to continue using this website after reading the revised Privacy Policy, you will be given an opportunity to opt-out. Your continued use of this Website after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates. 

Questions? Questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be directed to You may also contact us at SelectLeaders, LLC, SelectLeaders, LLC, 123 William Street, Suite 1505, New York, NY, 10038 or call (212) 661-3232.