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New York, NY 10016
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About the Company

Urbane is a community development venture and certified MBE. Founded in 2008, Urbane builds the infrastructure that catalyzes community wealth. Our approach centers on strengthening community anchors through a multi-disciplinary approach - research and analytics, business and development advisory services, and place-based investing in mixed-use real estate, small businesses, and other non-traditional assets aimed at generating long term prosperity and community wealth creation. We envision neighborhoods that are defined by their strengths and experienced as places of opportunity and innovation, building bridges toward an equitable distribution of wealth and power by fostering community-led solutions and centering the wisdom and local innovation that already exists to facilitate a future of prosperity and shared wealth. Urbane’s client base includes municipalities, economic development agencies, foundations, financial institutions, real estate developers, community-based organizations, and small businesses throughout the US.
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