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Toole Design Group

Boston, MA 02109
0 Jobs Available

About the Company

Toole Design Group is the nation's leading planning, engineering, and landscape architecture firm specializing in multimodal transportation. With offices throughout the U.S., we have a reputation for developing cost-effective, practical solutions that move people efficiently, while improving the health and quality of life of the community. At Toole Design Group, our philosophy is simple. We believe that walking and bicycling are fundamental forms of transportation that should be available to everyone. Our job is to help communities plan, build and retrofit their transportation systems so that walking and bicycling are safe, efficient, healthy and enjoyable forms of travel. We create spaces that meet the needs of all users, regardless of whether they ride a bike, walk, use a wheelchair, drive a car, or board a transit vehicle. This is more than something we do for a living - we live this philosophy on a daily basis. Over 80% of Toole Design Group staff bicycle, walk and use transit to get to work each day. We treat our clients as partners. We realize you have a finite budget, and we tailor our solutions to fit those realities. We encourage you to review our project experience to learn more about our success stories.
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