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City of San Mateo

San Mateo, CA 94403-1338
0 Jobs Available

About the Company

San Mateo is a city of approximately 100,000 residents, strategically located midway between San Francisco and San Jose, and is within the Silicon Valley.  One of the City’s strengths is its diversity, both in the ethnic makeup and the physical development of the community.  San Mateo has a vibrant business and retail environment with national and international businesses, two major shopping centers and an active downtown.  The community values its historic and new residential neighborhoods and recently approved a major new Transit Oriented Development that will add 1,500 new homes, 300,000 square feet of new retail and as much as 1.5 million square feet of commercial office space.

The City organization has a culture of innovation, collaboration and strong customer service.  The City’s annual budget is $130 million and is staffed by over 540 full time employees.  The City is continually evaluating new and innovative ways of providing high quality services to its residents while acknowledging the competing demands for the limited funds available. For more interesting facts please visit:




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